Downtown Hastings

Plan Your Visit
Hastings, Michigan, is a vibrant community located on the Thornapple River in the heart of Barry County. Ideally situated between the metropolitan areas of Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Lansing and Battle Creek. You will find Hastings to be the home of quaint shops and unique restaurants in a very special small town surrounded by nature’s beauty. Plan your visit today to enjoy our downtown festivals and daily events, or to just get some rest and relaxation on our nature trails and parks!

Shop. Dine. Enjoy.
A Downtown Market Analysis performed in 2003 indicated that by creating a great sense of place, improving the connection between the Downtown and adjacent neighborhoods, maintaining street character and implementing a strong marketing campaign that the Downtown would be in a better position to foster business retention and recruitment in the future.
The DDA has created a multifaceted approach to address those concerns by creating vibrancy in the historic central business district that creates large draws.
The DDA, assisted by the Community Development Department of the City of Hastings, Community Agencies and Merchants take part in the annual development and sponsorship of a number of Downtown events.

Top 10 Reasons to Visit Hastings!
Downtown Hastings is supported by its Community, its Merchants and the City.
The Downtown Development Authority offers grants for private and public events, infrastructure, physical improvements and marketing of the Downtown. Merchants participate in monthly group meetings and help fund and staff events in the Downtown. Locals and visitors alike make frequent return visits to our vibrant Downtown.
Downtown Hastings is located on your way to everywhere.
The City center is almost equal distance to and from Grand Rapids, Battle Creek, Lansing and Kalamazoo.
Downtown Hastings is the site of the County Seat – Barry County and is fortunate to have such a beautiful Court House and Square located within it.
The County continues to invest in the Downtown creating a campus like setting. Many special events take place on the Court House Lawn and the County provides many needed services to our Community.
Downtown Hastings is close to our regional shopping district and national retailers and service providers.
They complement each other more than they compete. A visitor is offered the ability to shop both since they are in close proximity and offer uniquely different experiences.
Downtown Hastings is home to many seasonal events.
Summerfest, Jazzfest, Fridays at the Fountain, Art Hops, the Christmas Parade, the St Patrick’s Day Parade, Sidewalk Sales, Girls Night Out, and the year around Sculpture Tour.
Downtown Hastings is alive at night.
A shopper or diner can expect to find shops and restaurants open in the evening with people milling around.
Downtown Hastings is full of activity.
The streets and sidewalks are moving with pedestrians, walking, on bikes and with strollers. It is not uncommon to see much of the parking on the streets and in the city parking lots full.
Downtown Hastings and surrounding community is full of pride.
Evident in the maintenance and embellishment of their new and historic structures and the creation of themed streetscapes and landscaping complete with banners, benches, trash receptacles, historic lighting, planters, decorative fencing, Holiday decorations and brick pavers.
Downtown Hastings is surrounded by natural beauty and mixed uses.
You can live Downtown, Canoe the Thornapple, play soccer or take a walk on the Tyden Park river trail. Parks, schools, neighborhoods and industry are all within blocks of the Downtown.
Downtown Hastings is well lit, walkable and pedestrian friendly.
The district covers an area that is 3 blocks wide and 5 blocks long and home to a diversified mix of successful retailers and service providers.